a song text

To the end of all

i meet you once for long ago it has been one year or two.
i don't really know
For i while ago when i saw you again, my heart was jumping up and down.
You got me at one freaking fast seconds life.
you get me so fast that my heart nearly stoped.

i like you so much that my heart will explode.
i love you so much that my heart will implode.

i like your style, the way that you smile
i like your face and your blue green eyes
you look so nice, and you're almost mine.

That's what make me glad and what making me sing. that's what making me to live, make me live, make me live, make me live , make me live.

you're my light in these otherways so dark days.
my life should be shit if didn't make it rich and worthy to live

i make this song to thank you for that, i did it to show you how much i love you---.

Poetry by Wewill
Read 299 times
Written on 2008-02-17 at 12:59

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