A love poem inspired by the rare beauty I find in the raptured half light of dawn when the Rose of Albany blooms

When The Magnolia Flowers In Indiana by M.A.Meddings

We  touch only in dreams
Yearn so completely in cyber space
making your pulses race on web cam
taking my heart again and again
nd daily cyber love grows
From just a few 
shy smiles
o  love so deep it shows 
Crossing  the miles of Atlantic
nd in frantic needing of each other
We  met just briefly in 
wondrous fall 
Then love became all we  ever knew
o warm so soft so true
nd the angels shone a light for us 
Lit a penny candle for  our life 
as the candle burned lower and lower
t left those drops of waxen residue
nto which Eros stamped these words
or you my love I would cross the ocean 
for you my heart is our emotion 
or you gentle lady
I will come in springtime
hen the Magnolia flowers in Indiana'

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 885 times
Written on 2008-02-21 at 07:16

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May it flower long and richly, hero!

Aisha Razem
My Dear :
So warm so soft so true
And the angels shone a light for us
Lit a penny candle for our life
Then as the candle burned lower and lower !!!
( Beautiful Loving Shadows Of Feelings )
I Loved That

Kathy Lockhart
What a beautiful telling of our love. We are so blessed to have met here on this lovely site and then to have met in person last fall. Our love is proven strong and true as it grows now for over a year continuing to bloom as does the magnolia in Indiana. See you soon my darling. I am counting the days my love. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyblyvm