I guess you'll think I am being cheeky but read on. Things may not be what they seem and I know a secret.

Give Me Some Grease Of The Silicone Kind by M.A.Meddings

Oh for some grease of the silicone kind
And I will ease my piston
Give me some grease if you dont mind
To ease my driving wheel
For the real thrill just watch me drill
In  the fastest ride you have ever seen 

nward and onward
taking you down
o a  paradise we are  seeking  
a little grease to quench this fire
To k
eep alive this warm desire
the fastest ride of your life

It's a
ride that will live in history
nd in case you think
You have seen the mystery
ust give me some grease of the sillicone kind
nd I'll give you a ride
To blow your mind

Joseph Duddington of the London and North Eastern Railway, made an attempt on the railway steam locamotive speed record on July 3rd 1938. The attempt was made in the A class  steam locomotive 'Mallard' when,  running down a gentle slope known as the Stoke bank he achieved a speed of 126 mph and broke the world record set by the Germans two years previously. 

I was once aquainted with a man called James Packer who was a railway steam locamotive fireman. Towards the end of his career he worked on the main line express routes from London to Edinburgh. He knew Duddington and fired on one of Duddington's last runs.

During a converstion one day concerning the record attempt, Duddington told my friend Packer that, had he got better lubrication and modern greases, he would have gone faster, because, 400 metres out from the mile marker post he had to ease off, as the main driving wheel bearings were beginning to seize up. Oh for some grease of the silicone kind


Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 916 times
Written on 2008-02-24 at 08:09

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You are indeed a craftsman Micheal when it comes to this type of thing interesting, amusing and entertaining.

Aisha Razem
You sparkle the words in thoughts of poetic method , so very surprising , the reader thinks he reads the symbol of the whole machines on earth now a days , but take him the complications as where have we been? And where have we gone???/
Specially the vehicle shown up!!!
In Poetry??? Something new to be wrote about!! I could c London or Germany while I was agrass to ease the wheels or grease , history essenced your word, and creativity, or your word & creativity essenced the history in Poetry!!
Thanks for this

Kathy Lockhart
you are so very clever my darling. you leave all the cheekiness of thought or lack thereof to the reader and then you explain it all so well with a very interesting text on a bit history and trains. I love these texts darling. you are one amazing man. It's no wonder i fell in love with you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyblyvm

Cheeky, hero! I could almost hear the whistle blow!