Katherine is such a beautiful name so synonimous with floral fragrance and beauty.

Nothing Quite So Pretty by M.A.Meddings

Nothing is quite so pretty
As Katherine scrubbing dishes
Nothing is quite so beautiful
As her tousled hair
nd in summer sunshine meadows
othing quite so enchanting
As katherine threading daisies
Nothing quite so beautiful
Nothing quite so fair

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 868 times
Written on 2008-02-25 at 07:44

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Esti D-G
enchanting and original love poem - Kathy's a lucky girl to have inspired such loving words. I toast you both!
luv estix

Kathy Lockhart
baby here are some kisses. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyblyvm

Kathy Lockhart
your words take my heart away everytime i read them darling. What precious poetry flows from your heart. I love the picture darling; it makes me think of the eternal love we share.
--Like a garden of flowers with blooms that never fade, forever sending out the sweet fragrance of our love.