I wrote this poem for my Best Friend Alisha Freezen, she means the world to me


Your pretty little face,
your tiny little heart,
that was hurt by many lies,
your black hair your lonely eyes,
all those times you would cry
your just small with a big heart
that has broken into peices,
but the day will come,
when you find him
and all those shatterd peices
of your broken heart
will come back together
all those times you starved
over him,
all those times you cryed
over him,
jsut made life harder,
you look into the moonlight,
and ask yourself why,
you hear a little response
its the guys you've been
waiting for ,
he takes your hand and tells you
to run away with him.

Poetry by Chantelle Reimer
Read 349 times
Written on 2008-03-07 at 19:47

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