Just for you my beautiful lady

The Passion In Your Kiss by M.A.Meddings

Your eyes are circles of love 
The fountain of all your tears 
And your soft wrinkles are 
The soft texture of your skin after rain 
Those  tiny freckles on your face 
Specks of enchanted stardust
Designed to make my pulses race 
And your smile 
What can be said of your smile 
Sacred sunshine that fills my world
As want to beguile 
And your kiss ?
Your kiss is the softest brush of a butterflies wing 
Against my mouth delicate  and tender 
For never in a million years
Could I forget
Just this 
The fire the beauty 
The passion in your kiss

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 846 times
Written on 2008-03-09 at 06:32

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Kathy Lockhart
oh my baby. Your love of me written in poetry is so dear to my heart. Your love is beautiful and so is your poetry. Our love darling
is the best thing that has ever happened to me and i cherish it. And by the way, your kiss is full of fire too! wow! I look forward to the warmth of your kisses again and again. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyblyvm