'And the beast caught him in that icy stare that only blind hatred could produce, malevolence unleashed through the hell that was in its eyes'

Malice by M.A.Meddings

In the eye of the beast
Couragous to The end
These Jandilla  demons
Eye piercing malice
For  'Diestro' tormentor
Standing bold for all to see
His triumphant poise
Yet amongst all the noise
Of the baying crowd
And for crying out loud
Almost forgot about me
A fool dont you see
Too proud to be careful
As women might weep
just keep standing there
Helplessly bare of protection
With never the notion
That I might charge
Much too large
Is thine ego
Yet do not go
Beyond the pale
Nor yet  caprice
Dont you see
that within me
Anger burns



Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 967 times
Written on 2008-03-15 at 06:30

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Lea Foverskov
I loved the point of view of this one, Mike, really great way of turning the tables on the reader!


a very well composed text, hero, and of great effect!

Kathy Lockhart
i had a chill go up my spine. Your writing from the point of the beast is brilliant and very effective. The picture adds to the drama and the intensity of this very well presented poem. What a wonderful writer and poet you are my darling! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyblyvm