Rain is a symbol of love and passion, and so is a night..

Rainy Night

I hear the raindrops
on the roof
and feel the cool rain spray
on my face
and remember
the days when
we soaked ourselves
and I watched
the little droplets
trickle along the windshield
and your forehead
I never had enough of you
and you wanted me
I close my eyes
still dreaming
of you,love
and rain
I still love, rain
and you
Rain on me.

Poetry by Neelima
Read 1422 times
Written on 2008-03-24 at 07:59

Tags Rain  Love  Night 

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
beautiful, I love the interspersed memories that make this so refreshing a poem to read

Elle x

Kathy Lockhart
wonderful use of double entendres. well written text