A fun write about that wonderful Mexican actor.
His bitter sweet comedy portrayals of Mexican bandidos is legendry, so is his penchen for breaking amigos outa gaol


Dear Eli Wallach by M.A.Meddings

Dear Eli Wallach
I saw you in that film
You know the one
With  Ol' snake eyes Van Cleef
He seemed to have a bit
Of a Beef about an army payroll

Hardly a sunday afternoon stroll
I grant you but if you and that
Young pup Eastwood arent too buzy
This coming Sunday i can give you
A funday springing me
Outa Yutah gaol house

Aint no big deal 
You can do it for real
Because i noticed in a number
Of your films 
You are mighty slick with a trick
That uses dynamite

Then of course
There is always the horse
And a rope tied to the bars
unless of course you wanna
Shoot your way in and out

Without a doubt that option
Is less difficult now that
The duke has gone
Only old stumpy Brennan left
To give you the test

So dear Eli Wallach
Spring me from Gaol
Without any bail
Because I think you know how
Well you did in Tutemkari

And hurry up my friend
Before its the end of me
Dont you see them
Building the gallows  
There in the square

Really not fair at all
For I only wanted to stay
In Indiana to be with the lady
They dont really have to hang me
A bit churlish dont you agree

Whats in it for you
Well my mexican bandido
I intend to show you
That a een Mesa Verdi
Ees the most a beuuuutiful

We can blow up the safe
Then you and I
We we will  have
All of the money









Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1504 times
Written on 2008-04-05 at 06:20

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One classy read, my friend. The accented parts are, of course, hilarious, and I couldn't help saying them out loud. You've got a literary grip on me sir! I love the rhyme scheme, with no apperent or obvious pattern, but still a soft unerbelly of my mind finds all the right parts in the right places. Very entertaining. Very good. You're the man.

Kathy Lockhart
Michael this one so much fun to read out loud with your Mexican accent written out. I remember watching them I think in the Spaghetti westerns. Not too much talking going on but lots of grunting, mumbling, shooting, and spitting. I remember going to watch them at the drivin-in on dates. I was too busy fightin' off my own desperados to watch much of the movie. I don't think any of the characters ever took a bath. lol

Ah, it is a nice feel to have the cowboy present in times of feeling inprisoned .. I imagine myself, at those times, on a horse with a rifle and a whole lot of milage between me and the things I feel barred in ..

nice write