It's not exactly a poem, so I put it under the ' short stories ' category, but it's not exactly a short story either... :/ I'm sorry for those who wanted to read a short story.

She said she loved him

She said she loved him
He denied it
She said she needed him
He denied it

All the things she said to him, all the things she meant
All the things she wanted him to know...

Were rejected. Were denied. Were ignored.

So she stands on a tall building, her head held high
She closes her eyes and starts to sing a slow and sweet love song
Wanted him to hear this
Wanted him to know

She finishes the song
Takes one deep breath
Smiles at her last moment in this world

And steps out...

She falls. Slowly, she falls... out of this world.

The boy gets a call the next day
He wore the same shirt and jeans from yesterday
He stands there with his eyes wide-opened, unable to respond
There's nothing he can do now

She loved
He denied it

It was that simple, it was that big.

She loved him
He denied it

It was that simple, but it hurt her so much.


Short story by taa
Read 407 times
Written on 2008-04-05 at 17:42

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