There is nothing like a flowing thin silken dress to excite a man. if he is excitable of course.

Diaphanous Drapes by M.A.Meddings

Diaphonous drapes
our flowing gown
theareal silk your beauty
A wonderful smile
That makes me your own 
Soporiphic allure enchant me 
No one  can attempt
To take me from
his paradise yuo gave me
or gentle vigin I love you
here is no one else above thee

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1495 times
Written on 2008-04-09 at 07:01

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Kathy Lockhart
darling this is such a beautifully flowing poem. It has the softness and the allure of the picture you have chosen. You are truly a romantic hero. Your poetry when i first read it about 2 years ago took my breath away and left me sighing and now darling you still have the touch that leaves me breathless. I love you darling and i love your poetry as well. this is a fav. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyblyvm