Now for something different. In commemorative remembrance of the fallen at Gallipoli April 25th 1915 to 9th January 1916. Allied troop casulaties 141,000  Turkish troops 195,000.

Lost Forgotten Heroes Of Suvla by M.A.Meddings

G'day old man
What are you marching for

I am here to remember
A long forgotten war
And the
part that we played
e men of the light horse
n the hell that we found at Suvla

The turks were our foe
And lord just to show
e couldn't take their homes
blew us half to hell
And scattered  our bones
ll around the wasteland of Turkey

In April of the year
I came with no fear
o the soft underbelly of Europe

Take em out of the war
That was the score
ut they knew what the devil
We were up to

I waited in line
And thousands at a time
cut us to pieces at Suvla

So how do I march
With a heavy of hearts
i'm the the only one left here this April
the others are gone
All dead and Anon
The lost forgotten heros of Suvla

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1455 times
Written on 2008-04-13 at 07:45

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Rob Graber
Great job with this! The stanzas' terminal lines are wonderfully rhythmic and memorable; the whol thing calls to my mind Tennyson's "Charge of the Light Brigade," with its oft-misquoted "Theirs not to question why / Theirs but to do and die," which comes out as "do OR die"! (American optimism perhaps?). BTW: First word of line 20 has a typo.

Christian Lanciai
Indeed, let's never forget that perhaps greatest traumatic tragedy of world war 1 at Gallipoli, Churchill's one and only "king size caca". Thanks for the reminder.

Kathy Lockhart
darling you have such a gift for writing these war poems and historicals texts. You have the ability to bring history alive when I ready them. They become real with real people fighting and dying for what they believe in. You personalize those who fought so long ago and honor them with the memory of their sacrifices.
And of course I do enjoy the romantic poetry you write as well. : )