In remembrance of school sports days and an old rival John Stannier

At least Just For now by M.A.Meddings

'On your marks'! Wait! wait!
For the starters gun
Crack and your off to begin all the fun
into the first bend with no time to spend
Just looking around or down at the ground

on to his shoulder at two twenty out
Surreally listen to hear the crowd shout
pounding of pulses drumming of heart
Were at the bell almost then the real race will start
He's through in a dash, our spikes almost clash

But I drop on behind for there's still enough time
He beat me last year this bold buccaneer called
Stannier, John Stannier my rival at sports
But a good egg  for all as I so recall 
A  miler  by choice and a good one at that

Under  four minutes by a rat and a tat
In a time when Bannister and Landy were at
Their peak in the time when we all stood in line
But who would dare seek a hell of a cheek
The half mile race in the face of me

When all of the girls in ribbons and curls
Were there to see the foolhardy he
So suddenly we are on the last dash
for the receeding line
And the end of the clash

Down the home straight as fast as we can
Holding all to my last a hell of a plan
Gasping and thrashing searching for breath
For to lose it just now Far worse than death
yet his legs give way lactic acid they say 

the sheer joy and pain of winning again
A miler of sorts he is surely the best 
John Stanner the king at the blue riband test
But I am eight eighty yards to the end
As fast as a furlong all the way round

Two laps of the track is all I allow
And I am the victor
In the school sports day show
Well at least just for now  




Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1534 times
Written on 2008-04-20 at 11:49

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An excellent tell of faith, competition, the human heart, and just some jolly good ole' sportsmanship. Excellent imagery, as only you can command so wittingly. I felt the race. This one's a keeper, Michael.

As always your writes are so very entertaining Mike and this one is no exception quite the roller coaster.

Rob Graber
This called to my mind my days as a high-school runner of sorts, especially the opening stanzas...

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Mike...good poem...

Judging from what you wrote, it seems you are
PoetBay's Sea Biscuit...


Kathy Lockhart
oops, i forgot a few kisses for the winner. ; ) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyblyvm

Kathy Lockhart
this rhythm kept the pace of that race and my heart felt the thrill of those last yards pounding rapidly in the beat of the feet as the legs pull and heart, mind, and body are one in the determination to win! Go Michael Go! Hurray!! My hero is first cross the line!