To the last romantic hero
As a newcomer, I was never received in the family,
but still felt engaged, arriving in a moment of crisis,
when the word spread that the Poetbay would close down.
This arose an army of heroic protests,
headed by the last romantic hero,
which made me engage and get to know him.
I never got a message from him,
nor did I ever send him one,
but my research into the Bay brought me to believe
that he somehow was the dominant character
which had pervaded the whole Bay with some spirit
not only of romanticism, but of enthusiasm,
appreciation and definite constructivism,
in some ways aided by the interesting artworks of Dino.
This spirit of romantic idealism caught my eye,
the centre of which was the interesting love affair
of Mike and Kathy, a relationship unique not only for the Bay
but for any poetry site.
Well, now this brilliant chapter has been closed,
but it has been written and remains,
and I think everyone here would share with me
the anxious wish for Mike's site to remain available,
although closed and finished, for all time.
My prayer for this goes to the board of editors,
whom I have no doubt will see the desirability of this,
Mike having meant so much for so many and for the whole Bay,
none having enjoyed it as much as he did,
as he confesssed it to be his own and truest Camelot.
Poetry by Laila Roth
Read 849 times
Written on 2008-05-17 at 00:36
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