Ill: Kkc


Finally the time had come
for Microsoft
NASA and the porn industry
for space-sex-tourism
In comfortable rockets
rich impotent frustrated men
where shot out in space
to space brothels
for wild weightless sex

It had for a longer time been a problem
to make these people spend money
on catastrophe's and developing projects
because of their suffering from
their difficult and tedious
boring earthly sex life

It is also proven to be most lucrative
for the most durable of the beautiful girls
who easily could make one million dollars
for one single space-fuck

From important people in high places
we are informed that this is
what the world needed
to end all wars and poverty

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1619 times
Written on 2008-05-31 at 00:24

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I suppose I'm curious but you've put this poem up 3 times now. Not that it matters because its a very good poem and I've enjoyed reading it all the times you've posted it. I notice you did change some of the spellings so perhaps thats why you've reposted.

Elle x