I know there maybe grammtical problems, but for this poem I just don't care. It was just something that I had to write down as it is just came to me..for writing was the only way i could get out my emotions...

And So he hurt me

I loved someone so dearly,

I loved someone so true,

But sadly enough...

That someone, broke my heart in two.

So many nights I cried,

So many nights I prayed,

All in hope...

That God would make it ok.

I trusted that someone with all I have,

I belived in that someone with all my heart,

Only to see...

That he would tear it apart.

I was disrespected,

He kept saying "How and Why",

I kept having to explain...

Just how and why I cry.

I cried for him,

I cried for us,

But most of all...

I cried over my lost in trust.

He knew How i felt,

Yet he still did the deed,

A slap in my face...

when he smoked that weed.

I can forgive,

But I'll never forget,

I still love him...

Yet I'm still quite upset.

Does he know, or will he ever know,

just how deeply he hurt me?,

Hurt me so much...

That I threatened to leave.

"Choose, that weed or I"...I say,

"That's not fair",

is what he said...

Then perhaps..maybe he didn't care.

He may never know the full extent,

If just how deep it hurt me,

But I pray to God...

That now he can see...

See that one small stupid action.

Could cut so deep.

So bad that caused me to almost leave...

All because he disrespected me,

For smoking that weed.

Poetry by Jordanna
Read 1173 times
Written on 2008-06-19 at 15:15

Tags Emotions  Hurt  Drugs 

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