

How long do you think
I can stumble around
with this knowledge I have found
and just be headed
down this cold
where daylight never shine
People stop
then they're gone
just when sunlight turn me on
the sun just roll away with them
to some stranger high

Look for your dragonflies
I see them often in my mind
they softly sing to me
about your beautiful eyes
Your beautiful eyes
go find your dragonfly
I'll take a walk in My Mind
to find your beautiful eyes

How long do you think
you can stumble around
with this knowledge all around
and only waiting
to be found
where daylight rarely shine
Friends will stop
then they're gone
just as your crying has begone
the sun just roll away with them
to a material life

Come look for dragonflies
I saw them often in your smile
they were reminding me
of your beautiful eyes
Your beautiful eyes
lets find your dragonfly
come drive me out of My Mind
with your beautiful eyes

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1594 times
Written on 2008-09-29 at 04:00

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Dee Daffodil
Wow...I don't know who this person is that you are writing to...but this surely must reach deep into their soul ! Beautiful !