Ill: Djosla


When I'm lost in my own wilderness
and don't know what to do
I call for you
I call for you
When all my so called friends are gone
with smiles that always makes me
feel so lone
When nobody seems to care
I call for you

Trough all my years of wandering
but without knowing who
I called for you
I called for you
And women drugs and alcohol
was echoing my desperate call
When everything went down
I called for you

My heart was as this little child
crying for some food
Call for you
call for you
Frozen and so all alone
it came to me at night to take it home
We clung to each other in this call
Call for you

And when my soul is searching out
it always has this call
call for you
call for you
It'll take me home to you I know
wherever in this madness I might go
A light shines down the road
Call for you

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 950 times
Written on 2008-10-19 at 21:55

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