Ill: Kkc


Could this night
hold a light
Could the answer stand
In the glowing moon
or come the werewolves
to lighten
stranger candles

Could the right
Conceive the wrong
Or what is really
Going on...
Life stands still
Too cool for lies to live in

Could love
Fool you around
And have you standing
Naked with none...
God forbid
The perfect stranger inside you

Who told you
She could love you
Is this how its meant to be
...cold leather seated dreams

Cool and sober
did you fake a cry
cool and sober
hear the stranger lie
Who told you
She would love you
Is this how its meant to be
Who told you
She may love you

Feel the cold leather seated dreams..

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 892 times
Written on 2008-11-24 at 00:22

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