A draft now a poem. :)

'Strung' over

TAKE them all
And stare at the blank.

WANT desperately to
Over the gone, no hangers-on.

But it isn't easy
is it?
Cutting off completely?
(Know what i mean?
Or gauging my sanity?)

In a necklace of sorts
He feel the disproportionate bead.
Lumpy and contoured
where nothing's really untoward.
DESPERATE to find meaning
and ambition
where there is
but the neon
of the indistinct.

An eon
of the distinct
precedes the bead.
Little does he know
they're as lumpy as he.

Poetry by shar
Read 1083 times
Written on 2009-06-01 at 18:09

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The odd one out, (But the neon of the indistinct) headed this excellent piece of work home for me, such a pleasure to come across a poem such as this that grabs and holds the reader with more then just curiosity,well done indeed.Graham.

jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
I got lost in this for ages...
A very good work that shows your talent...
i shall