
I've always wanted to be a super hero..

super hero-zero.

Don't call me super hero,
I'm not good enough to be one.
I am the super zero,
with super powers none.

But as every little child I know,
I had a super hero dream in my head.
I was looking att the people below,
while flying above them in my bed.

-There he is! someone screamed.
pointing at me and smiling wide.
-Yes, here I am! I dreamed,
and I was filled with pride.

I felt proud of who I was,
the first time in my life.
I just felt so sad because,
at home I had left my wife.

She could not see me here,
when I was someone at last.
Still, her words I could hear:
-You'll be back at home very fast.

Then I woke up from my dream,
being the super zero again.
But she was lying beside me,
so I couldn't really complain.

Poetry by bubblegum
Read 229 times
Written on 2008-12-11 at 15:51

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