Sleaford merely a ten minute drive away, my special place to contemplate, find solace in its beauty.

The Sighing Sea

Shadows changing, dancing on the rocks,
as the sun moves, its slow deliberate shifting
The ancient ones proud and tall
Chiselled features by the waters edge

The gulls cry, the sea sighs..... shhhhhhhh

Walls of aquamarine and sapphire blue
Arch their backs and burst, into
Teams of galloping white stallions
Foaming, racing for the shore

Albatross glides, sand slides..... shhhhhhhh

Poetry by Purple Phoenix
Read 670 times
Written on 2009-01-18 at 15:00

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Brian Oarr
I like your special place and I like your poem, Phoenix. It's just my opinion, of course, but personally, I find your creative voice to be so much stronger, when you step outside the safety of rhyme and let your muse be your guide. Be that as it may ... this was a lovely piece of writing and I'm glad I found it.

Eli The PoetBay support member heart!

shhhhh - Can just visualize this
beautiful place, a distinct picture
well painted. Thank you. N.

shhhhh - Can just visualize this
beautiful place, a distinct picture
well painted. Thank you. N.