New people next door. I hate them. That is all.

Sweet Sunday

My eyes are red, knuckles white
I've put up with this crap all night!
Bottles smashing, music thumping
I believe that's my side fence you're jumping... :/
I mean, come on, it's 4am
Don't put me through all this again!

Now 5am my pulse is racing
I've quit the bed, my hall I'm pacing
They're fighting now, house must be smashed
All hopes of sleep are now quite dashed
6 am, here comes the dawn
All quiet now? Good, I'll mow my lawn.

Twice ;)

Poetry by Purple Phoenix
Read 1187 times
Written on 2014-06-15 at 07:00

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Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Still living this hell with my neighbours.
Lovely poem.

I can definitely relate to this. People who insist on making a lot of noise should rent or buy houses in isolated areas. There's little worse than being forced to listen to someone else's taste in music or people yelling at each other.

The people upstairs from me seem never to sleep. When I go to bed they're are making noise and when I wake up they're still at it. Vampires?


Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
You know, I have tried replying to this three times, my internet is playing up and everytime I post a comment it goes up - I loved this, had those neighbours, have wreaked that revenge - totally up my street this poem

Elle x

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Nicely written, and very funny.