A silly tale on the way home today... seems just as many rabbits as roos on the road this time of year. Animals everywhere as the bushfire still smoulders...

Run Rabbit Run!

Little rabbit on the road,
watch out for my tyres!
I know you and your furry friends
are running from the fires.

I almost see you on two legs,
picking up that nasty smell
An inferno towers behind you
Little bunny run like hell!

Your tiny heart beats so hard.
Your muscles near collapse
I hope you can run fast enough
But watch those rabbit traps!

You may wind up moccasins
If not squashed under me
So keep your eyes peeled fluffy
Or end up a foot accessory!

Poetry by Purple Phoenix
Read 747 times
Written on 2009-01-18 at 19:23

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Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Love finding good poems
On poetbay thanks for posting

ngaio Beck
As a rabbit aficionado this is way beyond cute.I loved it.

I hit a hare (like a rabbit as rabbit are more down South of me)once and it was an awful feeling, some people love having their tail using it for a rabbit's foot. Loved reading this, it was fun to read.

Pamel Brooke
Great poem for adults and children both. Love the line

or end up a foot accessory,