
Tell me how you are doing
Its been a long time
Since 98'
Met you the first time
You've been on my mind

You have
Always been like my
Second sister
I could tell you anything
And i knew you would listen

You always made me feel great
Builded up my self esteem
The good days are gone
But still in my

I got precious memories
Would not trade them for
Cus thats what keeps my fire
When life is

I wish that we could be
Close again
Like family
But there a lot of broken branches
In this family tree

Time is not an issue
Never mind the passed years
We still got the same blood in our hearts and
Same tears

Im just sitting here
Wondering how this sounds

Life is hard

Got no home

But i got

Angels around

Poetry by Sam Cantar
Read 281 times
Written on 2009-01-21 at 03:53

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