The third and final piece, following A Date With Death, and Stood up by the Reaper. A goodbye to the ghost who haunted me, mercifully moved on.

Careful What You Wish For

Tears roll down my cheeks as I type,
My pain I put to rhyme
I asked for the death of my misery,
But it was not my time.

The Reaper says he is too busy,
My feelings none of his concern
I'll deal with you when you get here girl,
In the meantime, baby burn.

Seems truth can come in many forms
And the answers that I seek,
Were inside my head, I knew they were,
But the little voice was meek.

I saw the star, the silver car,
The chariot of the Reapers mistress.
Right where mine once sat, sadly,
An old friend steals Deaths kisses.

My denial fed the flames of hope,
The proof? I still hold the candle.
I'll drink this bitter cup of reality soon,
As I can get a grip on the handle.....

Poetry by Purple Phoenix
Read 760 times
Written on 2009-01-21 at 09:17

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Mr painter
Really great i like this a lot

Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
And with each word I wish that you move into the new, I only wish I knew too. :-)