Dedicated to bleeding Gazza children under the cold windy and naked sky.

God's Grace

If I were an angel in the space
I would spray my raining tears on the fire race
And flip my wings to hold all Gazza children to the god's grace
I know I could, since I escaped from the mace
I f I were that angel, I would glare the killer's vision and spare
The humans shriveling and the frightened face
And kiss the bleeding feet and the kid's shoe lace
So I could fly high and erase
All dots of blood from every suffering place
Draw a peaceful masterpiece on earth to embrace
All the soil babies and the entire ocean's dace
Though I would wipe all sadness out of every suffering case
And not forgive any criminal or allow him to brace
Wipe all mindedness, to the last drop to the waving trace!
And help raining his mercy by all his Grace.
By Aisha Razem 21/1/2009 Wednesday

Poetry by Aisha Razem
Read 931 times
Written on 2009-01-21 at 20:58

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God's grace is an awesome thing we dare not take for granted.
Wonderful love displayed here.

melanie sue
This is a powerfully emotional and moving work of literary art. If only those perpetrating violence and hate could step away and find another many innocent children could have good lives if it were not for the evils of man's ways.