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Member since 2009-01-01
Has written 522 comments

Has received 433 applauds


Hello world.


melanie sue

69 years old from

MY TEXTS, Archive 125 Texts

Lost Sheep (1) - 2021-11-23
Untitled (2) - 2019-04-29
Abecedarian Alliteration: A-Z (1) - 2019-04-29
Broken Bloodlines (2) - 2018-05-10
Futility's Flight - 2018-05-06
Puppeteer's Pet - 2018-05-05
Politicos (1) - 2018-04-30
Darkling - 2018-04-23
Songs of the Gamelan (2) - 2017-10-10
Ab Incunabulis [revised] (3) - 2016-06-07
Once New [revised] (2) - 2016-06-07
Freedom Feigns (2) - 2015-09-03
Grief's Madness (5) - 2015-01-24
Panacea (1) - 2014-09-01
Ignis Fatuus (1) - 2014-09-01
Shelter (1) - 2014-06-03
It Was A Trip (4) - 2014-05-30
Over-Baked (3) - 2014-04-26
On the Tongue (1) - 2014-04-26
Drown (2) - 2014-04-24

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