Gen 1:27 So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Darkness and Light

mockers and scoffers
have candles not lit
these pitiful paupers
label Christians unfit
yet, even the
Christians are blind
and God only knows
why he shuts up their mind
from knowledge foretold woes
it gives them a chance
that they never had
since they seek no repentance
while embracing the bad
that they thought was the good
doing what they thought they should
our darkness is real
and so is the light
he leaves us to feel
and choose what is right
His Voice is in there
found in that Bible Book
you hear when you care
and are willing to look
while working hard at sifting
Satan's attempted deception
you will finally feel the weight lifting
and in God's image you find your reflection

Poetry by 777Heaven
Read 364 times
Written on 2009-01-31 at 18:15

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