I love a girl here and I can't tell her who I am

how stupid

when i met you,
you are full of life,
so happy,
yet so sad

I reach to you,
in words alone,
do you know me,
i think not..

my love for you grows.
it never stays the same.
so lively,
yet, death becomes me,

my love
do you know me,,
I shake when i see your name.
please forgive me

I love you
so far we are,
yet you touch my inner soul,
do you know me,

please forgive me.
death to my name ,
death to me,
nothing real,why do I hurt,
do you know me...........

Poetry by stupidgirl101885
Read 434 times
Written on 2009-02-07 at 02:49

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Love is emotions
Love is a cured candystick!
dip it take a lick and savor the love
you have@@!

moving peace but stupid!!thuferinthuckatash!
Sylvester would say!

keep writing ,want to hear more

Between a rock and a hard place huh? It's always a pain when we can't express our love for someone. How stupid? as stupid as love I'd say. This needs a little tidy up as it has a typo or two. Smiling at you, Tai, off to dream about my stupid love