Ill: Kkc


Here I lie all radiant and tired
completely off my head
but safely wired
with thoughts of you
haunting me like always

Or is it something else
there might be some confusion
between the grace of you
and some teenager delusion

There might also be distance
or just so long since I was jumped
so delicately roughed up
so exploitiantly pumped

But why should I be bothered
in such a nicely wasted state
I'll soon be up and on my feet
I know these tricks
for good retreats
as knocking on your gate

If only I could find you...
I know I will someday

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 874 times
Written on 2009-02-12 at 23:01

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Kathy Lockhart
seek and ye shall find! :)