This poem is about someone very special to me who has stuck by me through the bad times. I wrote it especially for her to let her know exactly how much she means to me and how much i appreciate all her help and having her by my side.

You really mean the world to me.

You really mean the world to me,
there's no-one quite like you.
You've helped me through my ups and downs,
and really saw me through.

My guardian angel, that's what you are,
so loving, so caring and so strong.
You've touched my life and helped me so much,
and made me feel i belong.

All my love goes out to you,
i feel i owe you so much.
To me you will always be very special,
thank you very much.

I love you dear friend with all my heart,
you will always be special to me.
Life is full of wonderful things,
thank you for making me see.

Poetry by Lil
Read 269 times
Written on 2009-02-22 at 21:11

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