

One day I tried
to write me
out of my own story
drink me
under the table
laid with dark prophesies
one leg was missing
I tried to escape
from my escapism
going behind my own back
erasing every thought I had
talking evil in my ears
I tried to make a new life
of the old one
but I could not find
a smart enough tool
I tried to save my settings
before I shut my windows
but my soul was denying me backup

So I sit here
with the same story
with a three legged table
back against the wall
my mind blank
from making out the patches of things
I never can erase

One day
I just stopped trying
the grip around the sweetness of you
help me from
falling to reconstruction

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 847 times
Written on 2009-02-27 at 01:44

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