
I am a black hole
And I have come to consume you
A painful process it will be, but how delightful for me
To see your world come to a bitter end
and laugh as humanity drowns in oblivion and obscurity

The rush of a surreal euforia, to wich I am a slave
allways searching for more..
A hungry predator, I consume world after world
and throw the rests to cosmic scavengers
Massive explosions from the death of ancient stars
is my work
Firestorms to interrupt the state of coma
wich rules the eternal emptiness

A syringe, tainted by disease, in the main artery
of our mother, Universe

I am an epedemic of chaotic nightmares
The continuing deforming of symmetry
and the source of all your confusion

Poetry by Oscar Toll
Read 308 times
Written on 2009-03-02 at 20:43

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