Just a poem about how I feel towards my father.

The Story of a Young Boy

When I was young my mom went away
She decided she would go astray
But my dad stayed and raised me
He could have left and been free
It didn't matter when or why
He was there for me when I would cry
I thank him for a lot of stuff
Even though I made his life rough
Dad i'm sorry for calling you names
I'm sorry for putting you through pains
You told me all along
What I was doing was wrong
Even though we had bad times
My love for you dad it chimes
I'll never forget you and your jokes
Or how you used to put peanuts in your cokes
As time goes by and I reflect on my past
My love for you will forever last

Poetry by Justin
Read 514 times
Written on 2006-01-28 at 06:52

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A great tribute to your father I hope he gets to read it and sees what a talent his son is also :-))