Young Dumb and 1972

A Picture With no Name

A Color image falls

From a ragtag scrap book
Full of memories

The stale forgotten event
Snaps back the moment
I see young wide eyes looking back
Yet I cannot place an identity
On anyone except myself

Even the central focus
Whose natural easy smile
Reflected deep
And long cascading brown hair
Wrapped her relaxed round face

An instant rush returns
Amid thoughts of summer kisses
And a first sensual closeness

I was at best socially inept
It seemed this was an exciting beginning
And a chance to grow beyond that awkwardness

Hope welled in my heart,
Amid the beginnings of more
Only to have those feelings decimated
By a letter that said a terse goodbye

If only I could remember her name
If only I could forget the moments
If only I could forget her angelic face
If only

Poetry by Kee Zealy The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 601 times
Written on 2009-03-15 at 05:54

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one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
If only . . . looking back from the vantage of age (and wisdom?) asks more questions than it answers!

Looking back in wonder, almost, but not quite, able to reach and touch that person, whomever they were.

This poem so seemly simple is a time-machine. Thank you.

melanie sue
i saw this face and thought that looks like this person that i remember named "renee adderhault"- ???

Phyllis J. Rhodes
Having just written a poem about memories
this facinates me. I got married in 1972. And the
time has flown. Looking at a wedding picture I wondered
who I was back then. Such a strange feeling seeing
pictures from the past and trying to recall the relationships
the circumstances, the reasons for everything. From this perspective some seam reasonable, some silly. I love this poem and the photo, it sounds and looks so familiar.

The face in the photograph looks happy, confident, warm, and hopeful. Very moving poem.
