Image source: http://images-0.redbubble.net/img/art/size:large/view:main/1484914-4-sunflower-field.jpg
A Fantasy
Nancy found the sunflower field very easily after being led to it by the noise. They'd told her about the ageless feathered rodent that lived there and also described the melodic whistling that floated like a lullaby from its tiny mouth. The field was easy to find; but now to locate the mysterious animal lilting away in this sea of yellow and stalks.
She'd been told that it was easily frightened, although there had also been reports of times when it had become timid. This, it was explained, only happened on very rare occasions, and those who experienced it would always go on to live rich and soulful lives, like they'd had some kind of special spell placed on them. She decided she was going to have to be very quiet so she carefully removed her boots and left them on the edge of the field. Slowly and gently she made her way through the sunflowers towards the sound. It was easy to tell when the creature had noticed her approaching. There was a short scuffling noise which was soon followed by the return of its lovely song. Each time this happened though, the noise seemed to be slightly louder than the time before and it gave her a sense that if she persevered, there would eventually be a meeting with this amazing creature.
Soon she discovered some tracks on the soil beneath her. They were only little scratchings which were bordered by a pattern that could have been left by a loose brush or broom. She followed their zigzagging shape and was eventually led to a small clearing. Just before she entered the area she noticed that the sound had disappeared again, although this time there was no scuffling. Nancy became a little frightened as she walked in to the clearing, wondering where the animal may be. Then suddenly, from above her, there came a soft and rhythmic flapping sound. She looked up and there it was; hovering in its multi-coloured plumes with eyes that belonged to a pixie. It had the tiniest feet and a tail which extended a long way past its already long tail feathers . And then it did this astonishing thing. Its wings spanned out fully, and in one quick motion, shot high into the air before spiraling down effortlessly to land on her shoulder. Nancy was in awe as the feathered rodent smiled at her through squinting eyes, pursed its mouth in a strange way, and then began whistling again.
Poetry by Eli

Read 894 times
Written on 2009-03-17 at 14:42

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