Thanks to the latest challenge, I have come to love the "Trois par Huit" form. Suitably inspired by Nepenthes' latest masterpiece, and a recent memory of my own, I am happy to have another chance to explore it.

Endless Kiss

Your dark eyes
Scan my face, passions rise:
Lips tremble in anticipation.

Such boundless beauty! Hearts swell in adoration:
Electric fingers amplify the sensation!

As we cherish these moments of bliss
Our tongues entwine for this
Endless kiss.

Poetry by TonyD
Read 1014 times
star mini Editors' choice
Written on 2009-03-31 at 14:02

Tags Kiss  Love  Passion 

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Ah, meeting someone whose way of kissing fits perfectly with your own... Indeed, that's one of the things that make life worth living!

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry website.

melanie sue
sweet and enchanting.....and perfect form and romantically nice

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Tony...I may never kiss again without thinking of this
wonderfully descriptive poem of yours....


Oh Wow! speechless, wrapped and tongues tied

I could snog the face off of this poem.

Simply adorable

Tai, smiling at you