A decade ago

Eerie Sadness

They call it synchronicity
Yet to me that's just a name
Still the night it found me restless
As I travelled that darkened lane

At 2AM the bend approached
My lights shone down this beast
A Kangaroo destroyed by speed
Like many before, no longer feast

And steam rose from the engine
As I pulled up on the verge
10 miles I'll need to walk now
A eerie sense then did emerge

The walk along the range
Had full moon follow me
Some crazy thoughts of long lost friends
Fear of further tragedy

First glow of morning met me 
As I arrived at my back door
The message on the phone said
Please ring, I'll tell you more

Remember that girl who liked you
She said you touched her soul
I'm afraid there's been an accident
2AM last night: a truck, it lost control

Poetry by Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 665 times
Written on 2009-04-03 at 10:58

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A spooky tale, with a sting in the tail, just like any good ghost story. Nicely written, cool stuff!

Chilled me to the bone, this ... you really build up the atmosphere well, I could feel the foreboding long before the conclusion.