This is my former home completely underwater. I have yet to write of this experience. The words remain locked up inside me. This experience profoundly effected my life.


Poetry by melanie sue
Read 808 times
Written on 2009-04-04 at 17:51

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night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Aaah, I understand, as much as I can. Here is an idea! Try to write a novel that is somehow reality based. Create. Exaggeration and theatricality are approved effects of the art. Experience all the possible emotions while you write the novell without ever losing the sense of security because you do know that your writing material is a past experience and that you are safe and sound. You exist right here and now. Who knows? You might be able to touch the heart of your readers, because your thoughts and emotions will be genuine.
I would love to read your novel! *give it a try* you never know, allow your imagination, creativity to flow free:)

May the flood overflow your inspiration.

Rob Graber
A grim 10th anniversary I guess...

chuma okafor
my dear i can only say 'am truly sorry for now but i await your poetry

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
My home was flooded, a few weeks after I brought my youngest son home for the first time - not like this but enough that there is a scar of which I can understand how as yet you can't write about it - somethings are just too painful. These experience to effect us is so many ways

Elle x

oh, wow. is that your car floating around? ;)

weird experience...looking forward to reading about it one day...