there was a picture of two pigeons on a beam looking at a sign in a zoo that explained how birds fly that went with this poem but i can no longer find it, so i substituted this one in its place

Yin and Yang (or Two Chinese Pigeons)

Yin and Yang were trapped in a zoo
They didn’t have a clue as to what to do
So they tried to read the chart they saw
Confusion and doubt is all that befall
Yin says to Yang I know I’m right
It’s better to make our break
In the day when it’s light
No, no, my friend it’s clear to me
It’s better to break when none can see
How should we go I think I know
Read the chart right to learn to take flight
No, no, my friend I’m certain too
This chart wasn’t meant for me or for you
But I know, I know that up we’ll go
To soar in the air without any care
But my friend Yin we must first flap our wing
To hear the wind sing and the freedom it bring
But my friend Yang we might fall with a bang
And then the Saints sang for Yin and Yang
Who sat reading the chart
And could not tell their left right apart
My right is your left your left is my right
It all depends on your line of sight
Yin and Yang could never decide
Whether to sit or whether to ride

Poetry by melanie sue
Read 771 times
Written on 2009-04-04 at 21:11

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chuma okafor
Excellent! good rhyme,richly ladened with positive lessons...cheers

jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
you are clever :)
i detect an imaginative soul at work here :)
excellent work.
ps is that the london eye in the background?

Phyllis J. Rhodes
Oh gosh, I think you've caught me and my sisters trying to decide where to eat, or shop, or have a family gathering. This is so funny! Think of these two times 4!