A bit of fun... dodging lightning bolts right now... hehe ;-)

Letter to the Landlord

Now listen here Oh Mighty One!
I've got a bone to pick with you
Your creations are real impressive and all
But I've got a complaint or two....

It seems that times they are a-changing
And all the miracles you made
On earth revolving, are evolving
Hence the need for an upgrade!

We don't need an appendix anymore
So you could just leave them out
And that horrid monthly woman thing
Now what's that all about?

Don't get me started on pregnancy
That's full of flaws as well
The gift of life ridden with nausea
Topped with a heightened sense of smell!

The platypus! The poor thing looks
Like with spare parts, you did stick him
And you left the jewels of all mankind
Right out where you can kick them!

Seems you need to get more hip, boss man
Down here is where it's at!
Signed, your unrepentant tennants
Thanks for our little chat.... ;-)

Poetry by Purple Phoenix
Read 828 times
Written on 2009-04-08 at 03:43

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I LIKE! Funny, witty, and SCARY! lol.. Keep up the wonderful humor...

LOL, you crack me up!

Excellent humor!

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Maybe, though there is a reason he left the crown jewels out lol

Enjoyed reading and agreed with a lot of your points - eurghhh morning sickness yuck!

Elle x