Only friends

I was thinking of you all day today
With an aching in my heart.
I know I have so much to say,
But I dont know where to start.

I have been lonely, lost and sad,
And you always stood by me.
I want to do the same for you,
But this concern wont let me be.

I'm scared of your emotions,
That you told me about last night.
A part of me shares the same for you,
But I know it is not right.

We both know my heart is taken,
It has no room to be untrue.
But it does have room for a friend,
And that friend can only be you.

So please accept this offer dear
As I dont want our paths to divert
But I cannot give you anything more
and I dont want you to feel hurt

You are special and important to me,
I need you to be my good friend
So dont go away or hide from me
Dont let our friendship end.

Poetry by Lisa Maree
Read 281 times
Written on 2009-04-13 at 18:05

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