As a glass artist, the fun never ends, pity I can't say the same about my patience! ;-)

Killing Kiln Time!

Tiny triangles circles and squares
Random shapes, some single some in pairs
Carefully layered fragments of colour
Hues chosen to compliment each other
Snapping shards of offcut glass
Breaking rules they made in class
Patterns from my imagination
Become reality in each creation
Each individual like a fingerprint
Rainbow patterns, in the light they glint
Gently one by one placed on the shelf
Have patience girl! I remind myself
My twelve hour vigil by the kiln begins
We watch the clock with childish grins
Spying through the peephole, I have to see!
What thoughts and glass are yet to be
The temperature rises, take another peek,
And to think I do this every week!

Poetry by Purple Phoenix
Read 812 times
Written on 2009-04-16 at 05:21

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Dee Daffodil
This sounds like lots of fun. If you created the pendant above your's beautiful !! :-)

I love the excitement in this, like a kid on Christmas morning hoping to sneak a peek! Your passion for what you do is busting through the seams on this one. Well done!

The time you killed
Has now been filled
With words that thrilled
You're twice as skilled!!