oh don't even ask what goes through my head


I marvel at a butterfly.
It's typical that people love butterflies
i wondr if people marvel at me as much as butterflies
people chase butterflies
out of love
or boredom

i want to be chased by someone
only out of love
not the thrill of the chase

the beautiful golden monarchs, they are royalty amongst butterflies
people notice them the most
the delicate butterlfies that flutter amongst lavender
people pass them by without a second glance
what am I?

what if i was a moth
drawn to the flame of love
but being killed by the thing Ilove

iIt hurts you know
butterflies get a short life
but ar amazing and bring happiness to people while they are alive
Do I do that?

Words by lissy
Read 278 times
Written on 2009-04-17 at 07:01

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