This is a true story...

My Garden Birds.

Mrs. Blackbird's on the shed,
with a beak full of juicy fat worms.
She and her hubby feed all the babes,
all day they take it in turns.

The robins have already fledged you know,
I found a baby one stuck in the shed.
I rescued him, wrapped in a tea-towel,
and took him outside instead.

I placed him amid the Forget-Me-Nots,
an adult flew down right away.
And fed him a juicy fat tit-bit,
and then they both hopped away.

These robins are awfully busy,
one nest-full has already fledged.
They're building again in the old tree-bole,
but I wish they had chosen the hedge!

Another brood it seems they are planning,
but I wish that they wouldn't build there.
Each time that they do, the cat eats the babes,
I wish they'd fly off and build it elsewhere.

Poetry by normalil
Read 1071 times
Written on 2009-04-30 at 01:54

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ngaio Beck
Where would mankind be without their "majestys" the cats.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
This is lovely Norma - I seem to have acquired loads of baby bunnies - but sadly one of my despot cats has also spotted them and hangs around by the hedge hoping to comit mass murder!

Your garden obviously gives you so much pleasure and it comes across in your writing, much enjoyed!

Elle x