My father was arrested for something he never did & I had to leave the town I grew up in & it is really getting to me lately so I wrote a poem about it.

False Justice

We just had come home and the phone rang its tune,
I had no idea that I would be leaving home soon,
I heard my father say oh shit no please lord no,
I had seen something similar on a tv show,
I knew then that it was bad,
I said what is wrong dad,
He grabbed me and said hurry get in the car,
I didn't know what was going on so far,
My father told me he was going to jail,
I said no there's no way in hell,
I said what for oh tell me why,
When he told me I started to cry,
For I knew that it didn't happen that it wasn't true,
I said why on earth would they say that about you,
He was a nervous wreck all the to my grandma's house,
He could hardly talk and I was as quite as a mouse,
When I walked in my grandma asked "Why are you crying"?
I said "Grandma your daughter is crazy she is lying",
Next thing I know we are on I-40 east,
The whole time this was on my mind and never ceased,
Now I'm setting here and my dad is locked away,
For all this time he will be there forced to stay,
For a crime that he never even commited,
I just hope the board will pass the request he submitted.

Poetry by Justin
Read 482 times
Written on 2006-02-02 at 10:57

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