oh, just a whim...

On Writing Sonnets

Imagery can make your sonnet grim...
If purposeless you staple every word
If only in your coup the words do brim
They never rise to heaven like a bird

For contents you should always give a damn
Just counting rhythm never gets you where
The words do flow and give a dunk that's slam
You need to dare – to make the reader care...

And here's the line traditional where shift
Is needed to excitement give at all
The sonnet needs to keep its head a-lift

Don't close your heart to matters seeming small...
And finally you happy close the deal
Your sonnet is completed, with a seal!

Poetry by Caprice
Read 1162 times
Written on 2009-05-21 at 12:46

Tags Sonnet  Rhythm 

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Rob Graber
Nice one!