by George Oppen Photo courtesy of the Mary Oppen Collection, Mandeville Special Collections Library, University of C


 Truth also is the pursuit of it:
Like happiness, and it will not stand.

Even the verse begins to eat away
In the acid. Pursuit, pursuit;

A wind moves a little,
Moving in a circle, very cold.

How shall we say?
In ordinary discourse—

We must talk now. I am no longer sure of the words,
The clockwork of the world. What is inexplicable

Is the 'preponderance of objects,' The sky lights
Daily with that predominance

And we have become the present.

We must talk now. Fear
Is fear. But we abandon one another.  

Poetry by Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 823 times
Written on 2009-05-23 at 14:00

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Wonderfully poetic and high on truths enormous eye. None can escape.

Thanks George....



melanie sue
Thanks for sharing this. :) good stuff