If I Can...

I rise above the vipers tongue
To try to comprehend the spite
It only adds to the confusion
While the battle rages on
Wondering how one can exist
With a heart so full of venom
Surely such toxic animosity
Can only do you harm

No-one can claim perfection
Nor demand it in our sights
Recognising pain in others
Can open doors to worlds unseen
So I will see the beauty in you
While you hate me with your eyes
And hope you find your peace without
Taking pieces of me

Poetry by Purple Phoenix
Read 722 times
Written on 2009-06-22 at 16:41

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Malin Johansson
This was a very strong and great poem!!!
This part was amazing!!!

No-one can claim perfection
Nor demand it in our sights
Recognising pain in others
Can open doors to worlds unseen
So I will see the beauty in you


Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
Or I could have said; I always enjoy reading words that come from the soul. Thank You so very much.

Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
Soulful and beautiful.